Tuesday 16th January 2024

Royal School of Mines Room G41


9:00am Welcome coffee

9:30am Martin Blunt –  Welcome and introduction (video)

Session 1: Hydrogen storage
9:30am Sepideh Goodarzi – Is there hysteresis in hydrogen storage and withdrawal: the impact of Ostwald ripening? (video)
10:10am Waleed Dokhon – A pore-scale imaging study of the combined effects of displacement and pressure decline in hydrogen storage (video)
10:40am Ahmed Alzaabi – Trapping in reservoir rocks: a comparative study of nitrogen, carbon dioxide and hydrogen (video)

11:00am Coffee break

Session 2: Carbon dioxide and surfactants
11:20am Hussain Alzahrani – Pore-scale mechanisms of improved recovery in surfactant flooding (video)
11:50am Olatunbosun Adedipe – Carbon-dioxide-cement interactions (video)

12:20pm Lunch

Session 3: Pore-scale modelling
1:20pm Sajjad Foroughi – Multi-scale network modelling applied to complex samples (video)
1:50pm Ademola Adebimpe – A statistical mechanical approach for pore-scale modelling of intermittency (video)
2:20pm Mingliang Qu – Pore-scale modelling of heat and mass transfer in packed bed reactors and for thermal energy storage (video)

2:50pm Coffee break

Session 4: Machine learning and porous media
3:20pm Jack Ma – Super-resolution imaging (video)
3:50pm Yang Gao – AI-driven image segmentation for accurate characterization of wettability (video)
4:10pm Shanlin Ye – A data-driven approach to drilling and avoiding excessive bit wear (video)
4:30pm Gang Luo – Machine learning and NMR interpretation (video)

4:50pm Close

6:30pm Consortium dinner, Polish Club


Thursday 12th January 2023

Royal School of Mines Room G38



9:00am        Welcome coffee

12:30pm       Lunch 

4:00pm        Discussion and close



12th January 2022

Online meeting




3:00pm   Hussein Alzahrani –  Pore-scale imaging and analysis of surfactant flooding

3:15pm  Discussion and close



14th January 2021

Online meeting


9:00am   Martin Blunt  –  Welcome and introduction

9:10am   Lewis (Qingyang) Lin  –  An overview of iSCAL: imaging and analysis

9:40am   Martin Blunt  –  Energy balance and topology to determine wettability

10:20am  Abdulla Alhosani – Pore-scale imaging and analysis of three-phase flow: impact of wettability and miscibility

11:00am  Yihuai Zhang  –  Dynamic effects in two-phase flow

11:30am  Ahmed Selem – Pore-scale imaging of controlled salinity waterflooding

Break from 12 noon – 1:00pm

1:00pm   Takashi Akai  –  Lattice Boltzmann simulations of pore-scale flow and the effects of wettability

1:40pm   Ali Raeini  –  Multi-scale modelling of resistivity index in laminated sandstones

2:10pm   Luke Giudici  –  The generalized network model

2:40pm   Sajjad Foroughi  –  Calibrated models to predict pore-scale displacement

3:10pm   Rodolfo de Oliveira – Modelling of rock dissolution by CTRW - validation and the impact of physical and chemical heterogeneity

4:00pm  Discussion and close



7th January 2020

Royal School of Mines 1.47


9:00am Coffee

 Imaging and analysis

9:30am  Martin Blunt, “Welcome – a framework for imaging, analysis and modelling with accurate characterization of wettability

10:00am Qingyang (Lewis) Lin, “Pore-scale imaging and analysis of sandstones and carbonates

10:45am Coffee

11:00am Alessio Scanziani, “Dynamics of displacement in mixed-wet media and immiscible three-phase flow

11:30am Abdulla Alhosani, “Near-miscible three-phase flow in water-wet and mixed-wet media

12:00 noon Lunch

 Modelling and reactive transport

1:30pm Takashi Akai, “Lattice Boltzmann simulation of enhanced oil recovery”

2:15pm Ali Raeini, “Validation and testing of a generalized pore network model

2:45pm Sajjad Fouroughi, “History matching a network model to the results of imaging experiments”

3:15pm Luke Giudici, “Pore-scale modelling of mixed-wet media

3:30pm Branko Bijeljic “Imaging and modelling of reactive transport and outlook

4:00pm Discussion and close

 6:30pm Dinner – Mediterranean Kitchen, Gloucester Road

9th January 2019
Royal School of Mines G41


9:00am      Coffee
9:30am    Welcome and Introduction,  Martin Blunt  and  Branko Bijeljic
9:45am    Validation of a generalized pore network model,  Ali Raeini
10:30am  Direct simulation of pore-scale displacement processes,  Mosayeb Shams

11:00am    Coffee

11:30am  Imaging and relative permeability measurementsAmer Alhammadi
12 noon  Lattice Boltzmann simulation of the effects of wettability,  Takashi Akai

12:30pm   Lunch

2:00pm  Machine learning applied to the geosciences,  Lukas Mosser
2:30pm  Impact of micro-porosity on flow in carbonates,  Branko Bijeljic
3:00pm  Multi-component reactive transport in pore-space images,  Thomas de Oliveira
3:30pm  CTRW applied to upscale reactive transport,  Rodolfo Oliveira

4:00pm  Discussion and close

6:30pm   Dinner: Polish Club, Exhibition Road

January 9th,  2018

Room G41, Royal School of Mines


9:00am       Coffee
9:30am       Welcome and Introduction, Martin Blunt and Branko Bijeljic
  Session 1 – Statistics and experiments: a data-driven approach:
10:45am    Three-phase flow imaging and analysis, Alessio Scanziani
 11:10am    Coffee
  Session 2 - Direct numerical simulation and contact angle characterization:
1:00pm        Direct multi-species reactive transport modelling, Thomas de Oliveira
 1:30 pm      Lunch
  Session 3 – Pore-scale network modelling as an upscaling tool:
2:30pm     Generalized network modelling, Ali Raeini
3:50pm     Upscaling and percolation, Hasan Nourdeen
 4:20pm   - Discussion and close


January 10th, 2017
Royal School of Mines 1.31




11th January 2016

Royal School of Mines 1.49/1.50


9:00am Coffee
9:30am    Welcome and introduction, Martin Blunt
9:45am    Generalized pore-network modelling, Ali Raeini
10:30am   Direct simulation of multiphase flow on pore-space images, Mosayeb Shams
11:00am   Imaging, infiltration and water distribution, Qingyang (Lewis) Lin
11:30am   In situ pore-scale characterization of contact angle, Ahmed Alratrout
12:00        Semi-analytic solutions for spontaneous imbibition, Hasan Nourdeen
12:30 pm  Lunch
1:45pm   Pore-scale simulations of fluid-fluid reactive transport, Zaki Al Nahari
2:15pm   Pore-scale simulations of fluid-solid reactive transport, Joao Nunes
2:45pm   A general pore-scale reactive transport simulator, Thomas de Oliveira
3:15pm   Upscaling reactive transport and propagators, Bagus Muljadi
3:45pm   In situ pore-scale imaging of oil shale recovery, Tarik Saif
4:15pm   Discussion and close
6:30pm   Dinner: To be arranged



12th January 2015

Royal School of Mines, G38


9:00am: Coffee
9.30am: "Introduction and highlights", Martin Blunt
9.45am: "In-situ imaging of multi-phase flow in porous rock at reservoir conditions", Matthew Andrew
10.45am: "Direct pore-space simulation of multi-phase flow on micro-CT images", Ali Raeini
11.30am: "Upscaling relative permeability", Hasan Nourdeen
11:50pm "Non-Darcy flow effects in heterogeneous rocks", Bagus Muljadi
12:20pm: Lunch 
2.00pm: "Impact of diffusive transport in complex-structure porous media", Branko Bijeljic
2:40pm: "Pore-scale modelling of fluid/fluid reactive transport on micro-CT images", Zaki Al-Nahari
3:20pm: "Pore-scale modelling of fluid/solid reactive transport on micro-CT images", Joao Pereira-Nunes
4:00pm: Coffee break
4:15pm: "Dynamic Imaging of Reaction at Reservoir Conditions for Carbon Sequestration and EOR", Yousef Al-Khulaifi
4:30pm: "In-situ measurement of contact angle and implications for pore-scale displacement", Ahmed Al-Ratrout
4:45pm: "Pore-scale imaging and analysis of oil shale", Tarik Saif
5:00pm  Discussion and close
6:30pm Dinner: Polish Club